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  • My Cousin (M23) And I (F7) Were Always Close

    My cousin (m23) and I (f7) were always close, he was like a big brother to me! He was always loving and kind and caring and I’d follow him everywhere he went. When my family visited his family’s house and I immediately went to look for him; I thought he was sleeping in his room, […] More

  • When I Was 12 I Often Slept Over At My Cousin’s House

    When I was 12 I often slept over at my cousin’s house. Nothing earth shattering there as we all did back in the day before puberty officially hit. One time I was over his house I had an experience involving his attractive sister. I saw and watched her have sex in their living room. First […] More

  • I Don’T Get A Very Positive Vibe From My Cousin’S Fianc√©E

    I don't get a very positive vibe from my cousin's fianc√©e. Though she seems a good choice for my cousin ( considering his nature and his family situation) but somehow the environment feels all negative in her presence. You can sense bitchy, plotty aura around her. She is educated, social, well versed, smart and beautiful […] More

  • At The Age Of 9 I Was In The Bathroom Bathing

    At the age of 9 I was in the bathroom bathing. Being small kid the door was kept open and my cousin sister aged 3 years came into bathroom and was watching me bathing nude. When I was drying with the towel she came too close and just touch my small unerect penis and spoke […] More

  • Probably Just Self Assured And Has A Handle Of Herself

    My cousin of the opposite sex, and I, Snapchat almost daily, often through selfies. Does that stand out to anyone? Would you do that with your own cousin? To be clear, it's usually pretty normal conversation, but she has included me in her group of people who she sends "glamor poses" to for confidence boosts- […] More

  • But Still, We Became Really Close (As Friends)

    I don’t have many friends. Just two actually. I have my cousin (a girl, 20yo) and my best friend, which is a guy (24yo). Me and my best friend, we met one day at a restaurant, I asked him his number. It was to flirt at first, but then I felt more friendship than love […] More

  • She Is 6 Yrs Younger And Was Rambunctious As A Kid

    I had a cousin who slept over at our house often when we were growing up and she was especially attached to me at the time. She is 6 yrs younger and was rambunctious as a kid. On one sleepover, we shared a bed while my sister and another cousin shared another bed in the […] More

  • The Second Night Also We Stroked Each Other

    My cousin touched me for the first time at 10 years of age. We boys slept together and that night my cousin 1 year older to me touched my penis and guided by hand to touch his penis. But the erection at a tender age was that exciting and twinkling I could do nothing but […] More

  • My Cousin is Arrested

    This world is dying. People are running around cursing god and changing their gender and dudes marrying dudes, paedophilia, pansexual and bull shit. My cousin is arrested, and she is in prison because a trans or retard with a penis walked into an all-woman spa and asked for a nice full-body massage. The masseuse said […] More

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  • Addicted to Cousin

    My family is large, but I only have one male cousin on my dads side.When we were little he stayed over and told me to touch his penis but I didn’t because I thought it was weird looking. After a couple years he started touching my vagina, and I never thought twice about letting him. […] More

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