
He Had My Wife, with OUR Permission

A little secret from our past.

A friend once confessed to me that his favorite fantasy was to, with permission, fuck another man’s wife and then send her back to him “naked and wet.” Her loins covered with the evidence of his passion. I mentioned this to my wife and was a little surprised by her bemused reaction.

This emboldened me to suggest that we can make his fantasy real by letting him do it to us. She liked the idea. She thought about it and found it exciting to be used in such a way. To be fucked by another man and then displayed to her husband as his trophy.

We arranged a sleepover at his house. After we turned in my wife dutifully left me, went to our friend’s room, and offered herself to him. As time passed, I pictured in my mind what was most likely happening in the next room.

When she returned it was obvious that the picture in my mind was correct and it was intensely erotic to see her naked, with her inner thighs and pubic hair glistening. He had pleasured himself with my wife’s body and left his mark as proof. He was very grateful that we had given him a chance to live his fantasy. The pleasure was all ours.

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  1. I remember coming in late one evening.dressing gown overitMy wife was just in her underclothes, a slip and her dressing gown on top.

    A bit later I needed to use the bathroom. in the waste bin in there I saw an empty Durex wrapper. putting on some marigolds I raked around in the bin. hidden away in the middle of the rubbish was a used durex! I’mnot sure why but I said nothing to my wife. However it answered the question of why my best mate hadn’t been with me and the other lads earlier !

  2. Some years ago my husband got me to do something similar with his best friend. The friend’s wife was away on convalesce after an Operation that had meant that there had been no sedx for a number of months.

    The friend and my husband had been talking about it and how he missed it. When he returned my husband told me and suggested I go visit his friend the next night.

    After some discussion I agreed and. later the following evening I went around to the friend’s house. My husband had t6old me that he’d be walking our dog around the road the friend lived in and, if anything happened could I somehow signal him. After a short while, the friend invited me upstairs into the bedroom. I saw my husband across the road and slightly along . The friend turned the bedroom light on and before joining himin the bed I closed the curtains and turned the light off. Returning to me own home an hour or so later moist and with some slight marking on my breast.

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