Recent Confessions

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    Dear God. I Have A Confession To Make

    Dear God. I have a confession to make. One that gnaws at me every time I think about you. The problem is that I have an addiction. To many things. To alcohol, to intimacy, to bad videos. All these things are eating me alive whenever I think about you Lord because I can't seem to […] More

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    Many Years Ago, When Pregnant With Our First Child

    Many years ago, when pregnant with our first child. I had trouble with my breast milk. I used to leak badly when at work leaving tell tale stains. even with pads. Long story short in desparation I allowed a middle-aged male colleague who. had a fetish for Adult Breast Feeding. I confess that at the […] More

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    To Show To Women I Suppose

    A few years ago I needed some photos made of my genitalia and some artsy poses. To show to women I suppose. I was 23 at the time and lived in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. I'm pretty well endowed fortunately. Well, a female friend suggested an old guy named Steve she had used to make […] More

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    Homeschooling..Feeling Left Behind

    Homeschooling..feeling left behind I was homeschooled since 7th grade when the pandemic hit, it was easy for me since I was an introvert and I had 2 friends who lived nearby and I was contented with just that. Recently though I’ve been struggling… I am currently in the 10th grade and about to go into […] More

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    My Cousin (M23) And I (F7) Were Always Close

    My cousin (m23) and I (f7) were always close, he was like a big brother to me! He was always loving and kind and caring and I’d follow him everywhere he went. When my family visited his family’s house and I immediately went to look for him; I thought he was sleeping in his room, […] More

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    I Saw Her From The Back Washing Between Her Legs

    Around 14 i discovered (purely by accident i may add ) my adopted mom nude washing. I saw her from the back washing between her legs. She was early 50s with a great body, this sexually aroused me to the point where i would watch from my room and masturbate myself while listening to the […] More

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    I’M Mad At Myself For Losing My Lady Balls

    I'm mad at myself for losing my lady balls. One hot summer day I went to a local strip mall to get dog food, which I did every week. I park in a space away from other vehicles, in case mine breaks down again. I come out of the store, notice a nice older truck […] More

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    Women Love The Way I Walk

    I helped write famous songs. Famous songs are about me. I’m a very sexy man. Women love the way I walk. They love the way I talk. I dated a lot of beautiful women. I was around a lot of singers. I took a lot of photos and videos of them. I’ve broken many hearts. […] More

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    Thought I Was Gay For A Second So I Tried Something

    dear lord for i have sinned, i thought i was gay for a second so i tried something on the internet, when finished that all went away, days of time, weeks of time and i just needed that clarity because i am thankful to god that i am considered normal. i have been also vaping […] More

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    My Husband Was Down Stairs In Our Living Room

    A few months ago after, a Bath I was in our bedroom getting changed. As I stood reaching for my dressing gown, I realised suddenly that I had forgotten to close our curtains. Not only that, but the husband of a woman I knew a little, was watching me from their bedroom opposite. My husband […] More

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    I Want To Have Sex With My Father-In-Law

    Over the past six years I have been slowly dragged out of my closet and exposed to all of my family. Due to finances and other issues however, I cannot move on and live my life openly as a pansexual man. Only two members of my in-laws still speak to me and that is one […] More

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