Recent Confessions

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    Dear God. I Have A Confession To Make

    Dear God. I have a confession to make. One that gnaws at me every time I think about you. The problem is that I have an addiction. To many things. To alcohol, to intimacy, to bad videos. All these things are eating me alive whenever I think about you Lord because I can't seem to […] More

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    Secretly Gay

    Secretly Gay I have previously posted on this website about being a secret furry this can be a second confession While not fully Gay I draw male furries having sex. I one day wish to suck cock and have someone stick it in me or stick it in someone else I have had heterosexual sex […] More

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    I Am A Furry

    I am a Furry I have been a furry for a long time I have struggled to develop and keep a proper fursona.My friends are very and I mean VERY Anti-Fur we would often dream about one day stopping or banning being a furry i was on board with this for a long time until […] More

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    Sad Depressed Girls Are The Easiest

    I’m a guy in my 30s and I use reddit to try and chat with depressed and lonely girls to convince them to send me nudes. Sad depressed girls are the easiest. All I have to say is things like ‘if you really were nice you’d do it’; or just make them feel sorry for […] More

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    Starting In My Childhood I Have Participated In Homosexual Acts

    Starting in my childhood I have participated in homosexual acts. I became quite active in college, but after leaving college and starting my career and family I chose to be discreet and limit my homosexual contacts. My career took me to parts of the world where I was nothing more than a hotel accommodation. During […] More

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    My 86 Year Old Mother Recently Had A Stroke

    I am a 50 year old white male, and in good physical shape. My 86 year old mother recently had a stroke. I qualified for a six month leave from work. I moved in with mom and decided to be mom's caregiver. My wife objected and did not want to follow me to mom's house. […] More

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    Thought I Was Gay For A Second So I Tried Something

    dear lord for i have sinned, i thought i was gay for a second so i tried something on the internet, when finished that all went away, days of time, weeks of time and i just needed that clarity because i am thankful to god that i am considered normal. i have been also vaping […] More

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