
She Is 6 Yrs Younger And Was Rambunctious As A Kid

I had a cousin who slept over at our house often when we were growing up and she was especially attached to me at the time.

She is 6 yrs younger and was rambunctious as a kid.

On one sleepover, we shared a bed while my sister and another cousin shared another bed in the same room.

My cousin was a heavy sleeper who would also take up a lot of the bed.

I often had to move her back to her half of the bed and was surprised she slept through the jostling.

I was very horny that night so when i realized she would not wake up I decided to try my luck at sliding my hand under her panties.

I was able to (very carefully) slide my entire pinky in her anus without waking her up.

I've never told anyone this.

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