Recent Confessions

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    If You Have One Great, If Not, Go To The Park

    Pt. 4 3) On the same paper list the generational sins you know have been a family issue: adultry, sex addiction, drugs, lust, betrayal, porn, incest, gambling, vanity, selfishness, poverty, greed, negative mindset, all of these are considered demonic strongholds to prevent your family members from living their soul purpose, utilizing their gifts for Gods […] More

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    These are my deepest secrets

    Today I tried to swallow a cucumber and a long hot dog to see how much penis I could fit in my mouth. Yesterday I discovered that penis obsession is associated with OCD and boy do I have it. Dream about them at night…go over every time I had one in my mouth and how […] More

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    Now in My Early Thirties, I Enjoy Both The Sexes

    Where do I start. My mom used to have me ‘helping’ her, by having me lick and tongue her pussy and ass. She said it de-stressed her from the multiple orgasms I gave her. Enabling her to do the job she did. My girlfriend’s father took a liking to me, and taught me one night, […] More

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    I Did Lots of Sins From My Childhood to Till Date

    hi this it feels very difficult but I have to do this, i confess that i did lots of sins from my childhood to till date. when i was 15 years old my body was growing and there were happening lots of changes in my body and mind, then i got information about masturbation by […] More

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    So Very Sorry

    I am so very sorry for all the wrong i have done in my life. I have been haunted and will be haunted by my actions for the rest of my life. I pray that God forgives me as i can not forgive myself. Confessed by: Me Gender: Female Country: United States More

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    My Sins

    It has been about 6-7 months since my confession. Okay, I’ve view illegal material, use illegal substances, broken the law, drinking, doing drugs, I’ve been rude, lied, talked behind my friends backs, lied to teachers, lied to my parents, had inappropriate thoughts, not gone to church in a super long time, i have desired things […] More

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    I was a Church Girl

    Six months I was an awesome Church Girl! I was involved in three different small groups and attended weekly services. I volunteered in the children ministry and led the greeting team. I had my daily quiet time and read the Bible. All my friends were Christian, and we avoided sin as much as possible. I […] More

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    I Prayed For You

    For all those who confess about adultery, hatred and lies you tell: I prayed for you today! For all those sexual deviants who confess here: I prayed for you today! For anyone who confessed about the hardships in your life: I prayed for you today! Confessed by: Prasti Gender: Female Country: United Kingdom More