Recent Confessions

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    I was an Option? Makes Me Anxious

    Hi, I wanted to share this with someone but it I’m so shy to open up about it. So I’ll just leave it here, hoping to have some feedbacks and advices from you guys. I’m a teenager. Before the pandemic I was on middle school. I had a lot of friends, everyone in the class […] More

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    I like a boy but I don’t want to tell him

    First of all, I don’t want to tell him because I do not want to date right now. I want to focus on studying and achieving my career. That would be unfair to him. Also, I don’t think that I deserve him because he is such an awesome person and I don’t want him to […] More

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    I am a rape survivor

    Greetings to everyone all around the world!! I have an issue: I don’t ask my boyfriend whom I live with for much. I had a gut feeling NOT to, but I confided in him that I am a rape survivor. It was a truly harrowing experience; three guys broke into an apartment I was hanging […] More

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    Me, My Girl Friend and Her Boy Friend

    You know what? sometimes this life feels soo meaningless. I thought it was filled with happiness when I saw my first love in 2011 or something. I guess actually I turned out whole of my world into her. Although realizing the truth that she’s not aware what is happening, I continued with only one aim […] More

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    I Totally Pood And Peed Myself

    I’m a 26 year old girl and I only poo about once a week. I have to use a laxative to help get things moving and when I go I really go! The trouble is the laxatives make me quite desperate and I have to be careful not to go out until I’ve had a […] More

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    I Had Sex and Now Feel So Guilty

    My partner recently finished our relationship and I wanted him back so much but he didn’t seem to want me even though he said he still had feelings for me. I was broken hearted. I then found out he was spending time with his ex partner and I of course presumed he was back in […] More

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    My first (memorable) boyfriend…

    When I was 12ish, I had a boyfriend who was kind of a geek and lots of people made fun of me about me going out with him and I really didn’t like him anymore. So one day I rode on my bike to the park nearby his house so we could meet up there. […] More