
I Love My Girlfriend Very She Is The One I Would Take A Bullet For

I love my girlfriend very she is the one i would take a bullet for .

I try alot to control on my thaughts i tell myself that having any other girls thaught is like poison but still i have some ( rarely) this really stresses me out .i also think that i suffer from some ocd
It just makes me tensed i do unsual stuff like i send messages then delete them then send again
Im afraid to tell this to people even my gf and my psychologist i pretend to fe fine but j mental health is gives me worries i have alot I’ve never told anyone and those things inside me kill me .

I did alot of lie in my life i dont have the power or courage to accept that i dont want that anyone i love sees me like i am a monster i cant accept the piont that im in need

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