
I Have Been Suspecting For Many Years That My Mother May Have Been A Narcisist. And Now I Also Realized That I May Have Been Her Flying Monkey In Such A Long Time. I Think I’M A Horrible Person With Stress, Anxiety, Anger Issue And Resentment, So Much That I Have Been Disrespectful Or Abusive To People Around Me And Started To Turn Apathetic In The Past 2 Years. I Know I Need Professional Help But This Is Not Something I’M Able To Afford Now. I Can Only Keep Telling Myself That I Can Rewire My Brain And Change How I View The World By Consistent Practice With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques. I Hope I Will Be Well Again One Day And Hope That I Will Be Able To Help People Who Are In Similar Situation As Mine. Best

I have been suspecting for many years that my mother may have been a narcisist.
And now I also realized that I may have been her flying monkey in such a long time.
I think I'm a horrible person with stress, anxiety, anger issue and resentment, so much that I have been disrespectful or abusive to people around me and started to turn apathetic in the past 2 years.
I know I need professional help but this is not something I'm able to afford now.
I can only keep telling myself that I can rewire my brain and change how I view the world by consistent practice with cognitive behavioral therapy techniques.
I hope I will be well again one day and hope that I will be able to help people who are in similar situation as mine.


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