
My Landord Is Making Me Have Sex With Him

I've messed up. My landord is making me have sex with him.

I got laid off during the covid thing and he took advantage of me being behind on the bills.

I'm back at work and up to date on the rent but he also wants the extra payment in the bedroom.

He has a short video on his phone that he took when I was giving him a blowjob and he's threatened to share it.

It's only about 30 seconds or so but its obvious that its me and its obvious what I'm doing.

If that stuff gets out there it never goes away.

I'm only 22 and the thought of my future kids or my parenrs seeing me doing that is mortifying.

So, I go along with it because I don't know what else to do.

He pops in at least once a week, we don't even talk now just go straight to the bedroom get naked and have whatever type of sex he's in the mood for that day then he gets dressed and leaves.

He uses me like a free hooker.

I can't afford to move, can't afford for him to share the video, can't think of any other options, too embarrassed to talk to anyone to ask their advice, and feel like a real idiot for getting myself into this situation in the first place.

In the meantime, he just keeps coming over and fucking me whenever he wants.

I wish I knew how to get out of this situation.

What do you think?

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  1. You can hold him legally to the video when you tell him your going to the police to tell them your being held hostage that’s illegal

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