
My Hobbies Include, Jogging, Basketball, Hanging With Friends And Gaming

So, I decided to share what’s on my mind, because for the last couple of days, I’ve been down and depressed.
Without sharing too much about myself, I’m a 24 year old male.

My hobbies include, jogging, basketball, hanging with friends and gaming.

I have a bachelor’s degree in Tourism, and I will be graduating a Master’s program in Marketing very soon.

I live with my parents which isn’t the best thing but I did have a day job until recently.

I got laid off because the company was going under, but I did make money and will continue to do that.

Therefore, I’ve been helping my parents with bills, and whenever I buy something for myself, I rely on my own wallet.

I’m not from the US, and in my country it’s kind of common to live like this until you find a place to live, if you’re gonna be studying in the same city you’re from, which I am and have.

Hopefully now that my old job is in the past, I can focus on building a career in digital marketing.
Anyway, I’ve been feeling very badly, because things around me are changing.

I have an older sister and two nephews that I love so much, but Me and her stopped being close like we used to be about 2-3 years ago.

She just has a lot on her plate with her own family.

At the same time my closest friends are branching of to their own interests, so I feel less connected to them.

Their parents have extra apartments, so they don’t have to worry about paying rent when they move out.

I don’t have the same luck.
Now, I need to clarify something.

My family isn’t the most financially stable.

Around 10-15 years ago when I was a kid, we had money problems.

We couldn’t afford all the things a normal family could, but my parents fought through the trenches to raise me and I have come to addopt the same type of mentality.

I don’t need all that much to live a good life, but I do want to start a family of my own in the future and make sure they have what they need.

But the thing is, I feel lonely.

I’m not good with girls, I’ve tried getting a girlfriend since my highschool years, but no such luck.

I’m looking for something serious, but I’m a little shy and reserved.

At the same time, I have plenty of female friends too, so I think I’m a good listener.

I guess I’m just not interesting enough for a girl, but I can’t just pretend to be someone else.

I have tried that in highschool, and no, it didn’t work, In fact, it brought me a lot of pain and clarity.

I just feel, that by the time I reach my 30s, I have to have some goals achieved so I can forge my path the way I want to.

And here’s where things get crazy.

Recently, I watched a TV show that my friends recommended a lot.

It did come out at the beginning of the year.

I really enjoyed it, but in the process I developed a celebrity crush on a certain actress.

Now, I’ve had celeb crushes in the past but I never put much thought into them.

And this actress is someone I’ve seen in other movies as well, and I just liked her work.

But now, she found her way into my mind, and I just cannot

What do you think?

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