
I’M Emotionally And Physically Excausted From Every Single Thing In My Life

I'm still in love with my ex and will always take him back if he asked me.

Unfortunately I feel used and easy when he just easily finds someone else.

I live with my sister who is in debt and mother who doesn't want to work cause she has always been a house wife and is comfortable like that.

I pay for everything. Petrol, food, electricity, ens.

I earn what you wouldn't even call a basic salary and I'm fucking tired.

I'm emotionally and physically excausted from every single thing in my life.

I don't want to live anymore.

I hate living.
I have never traveled or been spontaneous or just lost control.

I want to die but I'm scared of death.

I'm scared that I can't be loved or be happy.
I want to sleep and never wake up again.

What do you think?

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I Haven’T Had Sex With My Wife For Over Five Years

Well Mum Said Yes I Did See It