
It Simply Stated ‘Hi Honey Gd Morning

My wife came back from her official tour and she had to mail some documents or something I am not sure, her laptop was on and her email was open when I entered her Room which she use for home office purpose.

I had just made a coffee ( I am jobless and retired to home making) and was bringing the coffee tray to her room and saw she just entering the bathroom and closing the door.

So as I turned to keep the coffee on her table, I saw her laptop on and an email just popped up.

It simply stated 'Hi honey Gd Morning. See the attachment. Our memoir of last night. Enjoy.

Have a good day'.

Curiosity gave way and I opened the attachment which was a video of her lying naked with her boss and she was earnestly requesting not to take video.

Though I knew there may have some thing like that going on, this was the hard proof.

Without wasting time I got it copied to my phone and made the message unread.

Though there was no action of sexual thing in the video, both were naked lying on bed resting after sex.

I later was feeling a thrill and decided to upload the same on the Internet for the public to enjoy .

Still viewing that video and seeing the number of hits I masturbates when my wife is at office.

At times whenever I get a chance I would scan her laptops and even belongings to get hold of any such evidence but have not been successful so far.

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