
Sorry For The Poor Grammar And Stuff Am So Annoyed With Everything I Am 27 I Have Never Had A Single Friend At School

sorry for the poor grammar and stuff am so annoyed with everything I am 27 I have NEVER had a single friend at school.

my mum and dad are both junkies he fucked off when I was 9, she hit me quite a bit till I was 18 I was bullied my way through school every girl I have ever asked out has rejected me my own mum called me ugly.

I used to work out a ton, but I was laughed at there too.

I hear people talk about me every day for my shitty clothes my face or anything why is it me you go after I have been rejected from my dream job; I was so happy to get to for being colour blind.

I’ve failed all my classes I’ve never even touched a girls hand or had sex AT 27!

dont give me your just do such and such because I have done it I am a surprisingly confident clean and a gent I volunteer at churches I help out old people when I can I donate to charity I do so much good shit I dont smoke or drink or do drugs I am not unhealthy fat or all that ugly I have a shit job but still a job I aint a NEET all I hear on the media is this victim bullshit and pro faggot pro kike pro nigger trash 24/7 I dont watch porn or anime I am the supreme being I am so fucking ascended and I still stay humble in real life I fucking hate you filthy whores and all of you loser filth Hitler was probably the only good thing in this world and you subhumans have took his glory and defiled his name.

I would kill myself, but suicide is for losers and I cannot talk to people without having horrid thoughts, but I am constantly alone with my thoughts on all the shit I have done I just want help i have constant urges just to bash the next annoying pricks head in.I have quite a BAD kink i am a necrophilliac so that's why i have never really connected with a girl, it used to be mild but now its everyday i dream about i think about it i wanna do it but i dont wanna hurt anyone just help.

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