
I’Ve Been Renting The Same Room For Over 3 Years

I've been renting the same room for over 3 years.

It was Ron and Charlotte who owned the house, nice people, both in their early 50's and never raised my rent.

It was 2 years ago last week when Ron died but Charlotte continued renting me the room.

I seldom saw her since I work night work and she daytime.

I always used the back door because that's where I park.

I have my own small half fridge and coffee pot so there were times I only saw both of them once or twice a month and felt bad when Ron died he was a really nice guy.

Then the virus came along I was laid off and Charlotte's business shut down.

For the first time she began inviting me for breakfast and dinners which I appreciated and was running out of money.

Now before this sounds like I began hitting on her I'm 27 and she is 55.

Semi attractive woman, skinny, short and has small breasts.

She always wore button down night shirts even at dinner time.

The light beige one she wore was the one that proved she had nothing else on.

We talked about Ron often and she began telling me how wonderful he was.

She said the sex was great but they never had kids and that Ron pampered her for the 29 years they were married.

Then in the middle of last February is when she began mentioning the fabulous rub downs she received from Ron.

Then telling me how painful her lower back and thighs ache at night.

Each time we talked it became aware to me that she might want me to do this for her.

It was right after dinner on March 3rd that I finally offered to give her a rub down saying I doubt I could do as well as Ron.

Would you really mind, was the first thing she said and I just said ok if you want me to.

She then said she would call me to come in when she is ready.

In meant in her bedroom where I was never before.

Within 5 minutes I was in her room , she was standing there with a white towel around her next to a padded table telling me that's where Ron gave her rub downs.

She laid down on the table and began telling me it was embarrassing for her but she did like and trust me.

There were 3 different types of lotion on the table and she only said to use the one in the green bottle.

She was face down and that's when ,in one breath, told me I could never have sex with her, that it was humiliating for her to be nude in front of me but again that she trusted me.

With that said she took off the towel asking me to do her back before her legs.

At first I wasn't sure how to handle this but for her age her body wasn't that bad
, not bad but not good either.

By the time I got to her ass she bluntly told me it was ok to touch her butt and intentionally spread her legs open.

Then she said she is keeping her eyes closed and rolled over on her back telling me it was embarrassing.

As I rubbed her breasts down to her vagina it was obvious she was aroused and began having orgasms as I penetrated her with my fingers.

Since then I "rub down" Charlotte twice a week.

Even now she still calls it just a rub down.

What do you think?

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