
6Years Ago I Began Working At This Job

6years ago I began working at this job. There I met this girl named Michelle.

She wasn’t my type but she was an average girl who looked pretty good when she dressed out.

Usually she always talks to me about the guys she dated.

There was another girl who I also became friends with through a mutual friend. Her name is Lourdes.

Turns out that Loures and Michelle were pretty good friends.

Lourdes and I became really close friends.

Lourdes was really reserved unlike Michelle, Lourdes didn’t really talk much about her love life.

During this time I was actually dating another girl. One time at a party, Michelle was drunk.

She tried to make a move on me but I tried not to ruin it with an ex gf I had at the time.

A couple months later my ex gf broke up with me so I began hanging out more with Lourdes.

Michelle now had a bf during this time. Lourdes seems to show more interest towards me.

I began developing a huge crush on her but I also found out that she still couldn’t get over her ex bf.

Lourdes was a pretty girl but just like Michelle she wasn’t what I was looking for at the time.

However I do admit that I found Lourdes more physically attractive than Michelle.

But both Michelle and Lourdes only saw me as a friend and as their brother.

I was in a friend zone.

One time I went bar hopping in Los Angeles with Lourdes and Michelle.

Other friends were supposed to go but back down last minute so only the 3 of us ended up going.

Michelle was currently on a break with her bf.

I was scared to lose Lourdes friendship over my feelings towards her so I didn’t try to voice out how I felt.

Well actually I did but I acted sort of needy and then I acted like I was over it which I was briefly but eventually those feelings came back.

Lourdes was also known to be picky.

Not necessarily with looks but she had broken up with a lot of guys that had intentions of dating her.

Michelle was more of a crazy girl but ever since she got with her on and off bf she seemed to change her ways.

We were already deciding to call it a night, I was still conscious but I was a little way too buzzed and Michelle when she’s drunk she starts talking to strangers.

Lourdes was with me the whole time.

Lourdes is more reserved but wild with people she feels comfortable with.

That’s when Michelle seemed to figure me out and noticed that I still felt something for Lourdes.

Michelle cheered me but warned me to give it time because Lourdes might not be ready to date me yet.

I played it off and said to Michelle that I'm ok with being just friends for now.

We called a shared Uber but still felt like drinking.

Then our Uber share arrived, it was a black Tahoe.

Since I was kind of buzzed and didn't often drink I went in the front in order to not get dizzy.

There was already a black guy in the back seat.

The two girls said in a cheerful manner if he doesn’t mind if he gets the middle the black guy was pretty calm but let us know that he is ok to be in-between to beautiful Latina women.

That’s right we

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