Recent Confessions

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    A New Boy Came To Class

    A new boy came to class. He also rode my bus. He got off with me a couple of days later and walked me home. My mother told me I didn't have permission to talk with him because he wasn't a Christian. A few days later my mother was with my sister at the dentists. […] More

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    You Are F- Up In The Head

    Some of you people are gross for wanting to sleep with blood relatives or parents and their children. Go get therapy. You are f- up in the head. There are 1001 people in the sea. Don’t disgrace and dishonor your family. It is wrong. Your soul will go to hell for it. More

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    Which Is Why I Took An Entire Year Off

    Pt 6: CHILDREN and protecting their innocence is our most precious resource because they are the future. The more children are harmed through human trafficking, trauma, robbed of their families, or killed via abortion, incest or any form of abuse, the world will sit and remain in judgement. Which is why I took an entire […] More

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    She doesn’t want to have children

    I’ve been married going on 4 years. My wife loves me completely, and I love her too. She gave up seeing her friends and family and moved thousands of miles to be with me when we got married. An issue for me is that she has since decided she doesn’t want to have children. I’ve […] More

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    Falling to Pieces

    My husband drinks and doesn’t take responsibility for any of his shortcomings. The kids and I have dealt with his drinking form years. Just when we think it improves, he gets worse and ruins a planned event, great weekend, or a fun moment. He threaten to take our son to hide out in the country […] More