
I Totally Pood And Peed Myself

I’m a 26 year old girl and I only poo about once a week. I have to use a laxative to help get things moving and when I go I really go! The trouble is the laxatives make me quite desperate and I have to be careful not to go out until I’ve had a good clearout in the toilet. I got caught out last week though.

I hadn’t pood in five days and I had an upset stomach while I was walking home from work. I thought about doing it at work but I felt embarrassed to do it with other people around me so I decided to wait until I got home which turned out to be a big mistake. I was about half way home when I got so desperate I just had to go and there was nothing I could do to stop it coming out.

I totally filled my knickers and it was coming out of the sides and into my pants. I was so embarrassed but the relief of it was so good I actually didn’t care until i finished going. I peed myself towards the end of it and I felt so much better afterwards. When I got home there was no one in which was a relief and I cleaned up and changed my clothes and threw my knickers in the bin as there was no saving them but my work pants were salvageable.

About 5 minutes after I got rid of all the evidence of my accident my boyfriend turned up and I was so glad he didn’t turn up 5 minutes earlier as I would die if he knew I’d totally pood and peed myself.

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I Was Busting For A Poo All Day But I Was Too Embarrassed To Go With Everyone Else Around

It is a Bad Fantasy