
I’M Not A Nurse But A Nurses Assistant

Since late 2008 I've been working in a Nursing home with both male and female patients.

I'm not a nurse but a nurses assistant.

A lot of the job entails some nasty cleanups of bedding, floors and the patient.

I have spoke to some of the other girls working here and we all agree that men seem to have no sense of modesty.

The women here are much more modest when it comes to their nudity than the men are.

Most of the nurses and female assistants like me are in constant sight of male genitals.

Most of the men here seem to have no inhibitions about being seen naked or having their genitals or anal area exposed.

Very few show any signs of embarrassment or humiliation.

I'm 54 but some of the other females working here are in their 20's.

Last week at lunch one day I was talking with 3 other females about the men.

That's when the subject of erections was spoken of and we all knew which of the men got them frequently.

There are 5 who we all witnessed have an erection more than just a few times.

We have all seen every size of penis there could possibly be, some circumcised some not.

Without a doubt though we all agreed that the youngest and most attractive girls are subjected to the most erections by these men.

They all smiled when I mentioned that since I'm not young and not very attractive I don't see many erections any more.

Then I added that now it is almost flattering when they have one while I'm attending them.

With that came a loud outburst of laughter. Oh well it is a good job and I get along with everyone.

What do you think?

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