
My New Baby Is A Month Old Today

My new baby is a month old today. I also have a seven year old.

The father of both girls wants me to stay home, period.

I don't want to give up my job and my independence.

Yes he can definitely support us, but I am his girlfriend not his wife.

If I stay home and he completely supports us his wife is going to go bonkers, it's bad enough he wants kids with me.

The allowance he is offering is more than I earn, plus he gives me child support, between the two that's more than ten thousand a month.

Plus, plus, plus.

He gives me gifts, he bought me a car, he pays the rent, he puts money in my hand, he is in love with me and I am in love with him.

But I am the mistress not the wife, her words, and if I stay home and dependent I can't pretend any more, I become a kept woman.

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