
I Really Truly Want To Die

I really truly want to die. It's not me, for once.

A few years ago I wanted to kms because I hated myself. But that isn't the case right now.

I just recently moved away from where I was living for about 7 years.

Although I hated it there, it was home. for reference I am a teenager in secondary.

My parents thought it would be great to move from our home in the US to Spain.

I speak Spanish so that isn't the problem. I am a total introvert.

I hate going out and meeting new people.

I was comfortable at home with my few friends that knew me better than I knew myself.

It's been a really hard transition for me, and I know that this is a great opportunity for me, (especially because I'm going to college in a few years ) but I've never been in a worse mental state than the one I'm in right now.

I had to leave my whole life behind, and I know that thousands of people are leaving their homes every day, but I just cannot handle it.

Whenever I tell my parents that I'm really struggling and am kind of going insane, they tell me that I'm being dramatic, tired, and that I'm overreacting.

"It'll get better," they said. But its not.

I don't see the point in going on if there's literally nothing waiting for me anymore.

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