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  • Education Is Shit In My Country And Not Worthy

    I hate all the that my country has enforced onto me those stupid covid 19 measures. I hate how what shitty person I became cause I am angry( disappointed) with university and due to it. Education is shit in my country and not worthy. Angry with the government and I want to commit treason. Also […] More

  • Pretty Face but a Big Belly That Turned You Off

    You have been telling everyone that I have a pretty face but a big belly that turned you off but your not even a biological female. You are a trans man who chose to chop off his penis and cajones that likes to wear women’s dresses, clothes, and makeup. You don’t want to be discriminated […] More

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  • Dealing with a Classmate I Despise

    ok so there is this one girl in my class and i hate her so much she is such a copycat that she copies my every action and ive told my mom about her so many times and my mom says that she is just jealous and that you will meet so many people like […] More

  • I Hate my Mental Illness

    I don’t want to show others how weak I am but It’s hard to stay calm. I want to be working alone sometimes so people won’t see my face. I want to disappear too. Whenever I think about myself I feel regret, sadness, and loneliness. I have a lot of things but it’s like I […] More

  • I’m Afraid of What I Could Do If…

    My life in general is very good, I have good family members, good friends… but I have suffered a lot from bullying throughout my life, in an irreparable way. Because of this I have a lot of accumulated hate, a hate that I have NEVER let go of in any way. Nowadays I don’t suffer […] More

  • When I Remember Back Things She Had Done to Us

    2 years ago, I had a thing with a guy named Jake* for many months and everybody in my circle of friends, Clara*, Carol*, John*, Elijah* and Stephanie*, knew about it. However, I had my suspicions about Stephanie and Jake but couldn’t seem to get the truth out. Eventually, I left Jake for personal reasons […] More

  • I’m Sick of Being Left in The Dust to Sit Around

    I’m 15 and turning 16 in one month’s time. I’m sick of looking around me and hearing about/seeing kids my age having everything they dream of handed to them on a silver platter. I’m sick of hearing stories about 16 year olds that whine about their expensive car with a custom paint job that their […] More

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