
I Love Cutting Open My Flesh And Watching The Blood Pool

I love cutting open my flesh and watching the blood pool.

I just got drunk off the rum I hid in my room and sliced open my legs.

I've been doing this since I was 13 and I've loved every second of it.

getting so lightheaded from it and giggling and having to clench my toes so I can try and handle the pain.

I stitched one of my cuts shut tonight for the first time, it was surprisingly easy and no w I'll be so happy to have that stitched up cut beneath my pants that I can feel all day long, my little secret.

I cleaned it with rum and hydrogen peroxide.

the white thread getting stained by dark blood from deep in my thighs made me feel so good, I feel so fuzzy in the head.

I used to have someone I'd send pictures to every time I cut myself but we stopped talking, I'm thinking of asking them if they wanna see my newest pictures.

I have a special one where I almost hit an artery.

I hope I can hit one in the future and squirt blood on my face.

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