
I Look Like A Movie Star

Hello ladies. I look like a movie star. Brad Pitt. That sort of look.

Only with a sculpted large muscular body. I’m old now but still get looks.

Im sweet & kind. I never hurt anyone. I protect women and children.

Just because I’m kind and look like someone you wish you could make love to or marry, that doesn’t mean I want to be touched.

See I endured a “lot” of childhood traumas. As a boy I looked like a very pretty girl.

But I was a boy. Everyone who hurt me is long gone. But I’m still carrying all they did to me.

I’m a very over protective parent. No one has ever harmed one of my children.

So despite everything done to me. I never hurt others. In fact, I would fight for you.

But I do not like to be touched.

You do not have the right to just touch me; hug me; grope me; kiss me, or do anything you want to me.

What possesses people to just grab strangers?

But if I don’t like it then you get mad at me; blame me, call me gay.

It’s my fault for looking attractive? But I have a medical condition.

When you do that to me, it seems to trigger seizures in me, among other psychological responses.

I’ve learned to deal with all of that over the many years I’ve carried this.

But I don’t want to be touched. When you do I will not get mad at you. Or hurt you.

But it hurts me. I have seizures and all sorts of problems.

So I guess if you don’t mind hurting me then keep doing it.

I always enjoy seizures and stress attacks. It really helps me live my life.

I understand you are drawn to my looks. To my being sweet. But I’m human too.

I have feelings too. Just because I’m kind; doesn’t mean I should endure all of that.

You think you’d like to look like me. But it’s a heavy price.

Should I have to endure all of that just so you can have a stolen moment of my life?

Because every time one of you does that, I have to endure days or weeks of trauma.

I pull inside myself. So why share this? Most of you don’t endure these things hopefully.

So it’s fun for you. But for some of us it’s a nightmare. So always “ask”.

Make sure that person is also a willing participant. Or just hurt people I suppose. Oh.

I get it now. A lot of these beautiful women are drawn to me. Because I’m like them.

We’ve all been assaulted haven’t we? And they say beauty is a privilege. More like a curse.

They see a man who looks like them. Who they hope will save them.

Only most men who look like me aren’t kind. I am so glad I was over protective.

At least my children were not harmed. They got to have a safe happy childhood.

With toys & books. A kind father. A wonderful mother.

It took both of us, but we gave our babies a safe home.

My kids used to tell me I was like a big happy teddy bear.

That’s why all kind people are drawn me. Children if I had my children when they were little.

Women. Gays. Small men. Minorities. Foreigners. The disabled. I made them feel safe.

That’s why beautiful women flock to me. Because Id never harm them.

I see why so many would cry now. That’s why they’d all want to share me.

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