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  • Sob Story to My Core

    I used to pray at night that my father and mother would divorce. I was only 5. I used to pray and sob for hours on end, so if my mom were to die, she would be an angel and be with God. I was 6. That year, she was admitted to a hospital three […] More

  • Dealing with a Classmate I Despise

    ok so there is this one girl in my class and i hate her so much she is such a copycat that she copies my every action and ive told my mom about her so many times and my mom says that she is just jealous and that you will meet so many people like […] More

  • Dealing with Intense Emotions Alone

    Sometimes I just random gushes of such intense emotions. Right now it is anger, and I have no one to be angry at. I am home alone and I just got so angry I am visibly shaking. I hate these feelings so much, especially when they are so intense. I can’t do anything about them […] More