Recent Confessions

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    He Must Like Me Seeing Him Masturbate

    Every Wednesday night for the last 7 months my mom and my aunt Connie go to bingo at the church hall. I stay at my aunt’s house and help my aunt’s boyfriend Ryan watch their now 11 month old baby. I’m 14 and take care of the baby better than he does. Sometimes my best […] More

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    Drugs are Bad

    When I was on methamphetamine, became sexually addicted and had desires of rape developing it the head, but It was ugly fantasy only, I would snort 3-4 lines up the nose. I would imagine having sex with god and the guru, I would imagine sexing up the holy book, I had fantasy of raping woman […] More

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    God is All

    I would masturbate before just for the feeling. i would do it like the three times a day would ejaculate after like 12 hours on meth and dirty up the whole chest area. i start thing about a lady that has good looks and cant stop. i sensing lust right now. i would masturbate to […] More

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    I Always See Pornography

    I always see pornography from 4 years and I think bad about any friends, sister and girls in my college, i also masturbate on their name and imagination. I feel very guilty. Please help me… More