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  • I Have Come Down To The Lounge

    It is 1-00 am . I can't sleep . I have come down to the lounge . To watch porn . My wife is sleeping in our bedroom . I am feeling horny . I am going to masturbate . Using a magic wand , with male masturbator attachment . Sometimes when i can't sleep […] More

  • I Realize Now That I Am A Faggot

    I realize now that I am a faggot. I want to be exposed and outed. I want someone to send a video of me sucking and getting fucked by a real man's cock to my exes first with an apology for wasting their time. Then I want it sent to my friends, family, and coworkers […] More

  • They Think I Am Wasting Their Money

    My mom always tell how horrible daughter just because i talk to her rudely and my father thinks too as he finds my behaviour strange and weird. they think i am wasting their money. my mom just made sure i felt so much insecure all these years and these lockdown days were the worst they […] More

  • Two Nights A Week My Mom Puts This Mask On Her Face

    Two nights a week my mom puts this mask on her face. Usually, while she does it, I stand out of sight in the doorway and watch her. I get so excited, I masturbate. On Tuesday night I stood right behind her. the next thing I knew I was getting sperm all over her back. […] More

  • I Cheated On My Girlfriend With Another Girl

    I cheated on my girlfriend with another girl. My girlfriend is the sweetest girl I know, but somehow I couldn't stop myself from sex-chatting with that other girl day after day. The other girl knew that I had a girlfriend but it didn't seem to bother her at first. But later on, she would keep […] More

  • I Love You Forever Dc Maa2

    Its been 8 years since our breakup but you still come in my dreams and it feels so real. For the last 8 years I'm not able to move on, Everyday I look at your pics and relieve the memories. Day by day its really getting hard, I want to forget you but everyday I […] More

  • I Loved The Feeling Of Being In Control Of Her Sexuality

    *Warning: controlling relationship trigger warning* So I had a chubby ex that had a thing for guys with muscles. She was kind of fat and she joked about it but she always made a big deal about how tall and fit I was and how she wasn't and I never said anything directly about it […] More

  • Her Burden Is Finally Live Up

    Fail in falling in love many times. Every woman who fall in love with a man, lost her mind and not her self. A woman who is so intelligent and smart can give away and all to man, not realising that she is losing all her worth in life by thinking that she is in […] More

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