
I’M 16, Female, And I Accidentally Bought A Pack Of Thongs

I’m 16, female, and I accidentally bought a pack of thongs.

I have a very religious household; my parents absolutely hate skanks.

To rebel against this, I’ve done some not so religious things in bed at 3 am to myself, if you get what I’m getting at here.

I just never would let them find out about this sinful habit of mine.

Now to get back to the main issue at hand, I was shopping for panties at the department store and I just grabbed whatever seemed my size and I accidentally grabbed a pack of thongs.

I didn’t know what they were, didn’t really care to check and didn’t really understand the terms they used since I didn’t see the word “thong” on it.

Timeskip to like 2 days later, I’m finally opening this brand-new packet of panties and I realized they were thongs!

It had enough fabric to cover my front and somewhat of my back area. But the string..

it was still very thin.

I’m wearing it right now still because I kind of like the feeling of wearing something so scandalous under my boyish clothes.

One more thing I did forget to mention, I’m a bit of a tomboy..

so my parents really don’t suspect anything when it comes to me.

What should I do?

Should I keep the thongs or should I dispose of them before my parents say anything weird about them?

I’m kind of nervous but I like the thrill..

What do you think?

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