
I Got Into My Dream Uni, Even The Major I Always Wanted

I got into my dream uni, even the major I always wanted. at least I thought I wanted it.

I worked my ass off for all of high school studying for the entrance exam and when I got in I was happy sure but not ecstatic as I anticipated.

now I'm in a constant stream of exams quiz homework and projects.

I knew engineering majors wouldn't be easy but studying non-stop for 4 years probably made me burn out, I just want to relax but I can't because I don't want to disappoint my parents.

They always knew me as a smart and hard-working boy and I just can't get my heart to tell them I probably never wanted this and have been doing it for their sake.

They always supported me in whatever I choose to do and I always assured them that this WAS what I wanted but crying myself to sleep because of the pressure doesn't really look like I wanted it.

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