Recent Confessions

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    Time to Get Away

    All my life, I have been wanting to get away from my family because i dislike them. i hated living with my brother because he is such a dick and i hate living with my two sisters because they are bitches. i am seriously thinking about just running away because I am tired of dealing […] More

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    I have never mentioned this to anyone, ever. I am a 24 year old female. I have a good paying professional career, nice car, nice house, good looking bf, and a handful of close friends. To the outside observer I would appear to be the typical white American, and for the most part that’s true. […] More

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    I can’t help but hate my sister-in-law. Sleeps her way into a financially cozy living situation, while her brother, my husband, works himself into the ground and will never have half of her financial freedom. And she is an insensitive B I T C H with all her bragging and flaunting. I’d love to see […] More

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