I am from asian continent who is in europe and continuing master's degree to finish.
I am very lazy, always in stress, not doing any struggle for anything, keeping bad attitude, prefering others to do my work and help from others, always scared, always confused and disrespcting and not paying attention to other decision and always remaining panic.
I am just wasting my time by looking at sky, facebook and movies.
I know i am not getting anything from that but i am doing it regularly.
Right now, i am in the middle of the 2nd year of master. I am doing thesis.
My topic is too big and difficult. I disrespect the other decisions.
I don't know why i always do that. Though i am not that talent, intelligent.
I completed my first year with low marks in all subject like ID, ML, ATIS, SMT, etc.
My thesis topic is related to ML where i need to apply it on past data.
Due to the low marks of ML in first year, i retake the course but i am not attending any single class and supervision.
I lied to my professor by saying i am joining and have full knowledge of technique.
He said to me choose the data related to my thesis topic but i didn't do that.
I am just hurting myself by telling lie to other and me.
I donot want to repeat mistakes but i forgot past mistakes and start to make it.
I don't have friends to share with others. I can't express my feelings and experiences to others.
I am seeking help and strong guidelines from people to help me in finishing master degree.
Please, its really important.
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