
My Sister’s Husband

Years ago, my sisters husband paid me to pose naked and take pics of me. I did it. I was a different person, a drug addict then. Everyone knows, it tore my family apart and life w/ my sis will never be the same. Everyone but my husband knows, which is killing me. My niece and nephew know, everyone knows, my whole fucking town knows, but my husband. I will die a pitiful woman. I will take this to my grave instead of telling my husband.

Confessed by: sorry
Gender: Female
Country: United States

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  1. I have been masturbating for the last thirty five years. I am now married and still do even immediately and fucking my wife so many rounds day and night. I love it so much………especially the video call wanking. I do not mind doing it with any woman across the globe. I just love sexual feeling. It has made my dick grow so long and thick….. If you are interested woman…comment here we fuck on video….

  2. As Marty suggested, forgive yourself.

    Importantly, you say you WERE an addict then. You aren’t now? That’s wonderful and to be celebrated.

    You never explain why your sister’s husband wanted to pay you to pose naked. How did your sister react to that situation? Are you on speaking terms with the bum now?

    You don’t HAVE to confess to your husband now. You certainly can hope and pray no one else tells him, but simply be prepared in case they do. Bottom line, if he loves you, he’ll get past it.

  3. I did something similar just know that God is a forgiving/loving God and what matters is who you are trying to be now. Give your husband the love he deserves but most of all forgive yourself for your past. You deserve to be happy.

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