
I Could Tell It Embarrassed Her When It Started

When I took out my erection in front of mom, and told her what I was going to do, she didn't say anything.

She just sat there, real nice like and let me masturbate.
I remember being so excited that I whispered to her that I was going to cum.

I could tell it embarrassed her when it started.

She flinched just a little when first glob landed on her.

And then she just sat there and let me finish.
Now, whenever I want to masturbate, I just tell her and she sits down, puts her hands in her lap and waits for me to cum on her.

This morning I went to her and asked her to smile for me. She smiled the whole time I masturbated.

When I leaned forward to cum on her I told her thank you for smiling, it makes me cum a lot more.

This morning, when I thanked her, she surprised me and said, you're welcome.

I knew right away that she didn't mean to say it, but it excited me enough that I did it again.

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