
Embarrassed I Backed Out, Went To My Room And Started Masturbating

We had the outdoor bathroom door worn out at the lower part due excess water
falling on the wooden panel.

In a standing position any one could see the leg
portion from a distance.

One day only my younger sister who is two year young
than me and myself of 20 years old were alone as others where out.

In evening I
got up from my sleep and was moving around and heard my young sister bathing
with water running sound.

As I casually looked at the crack of the door I could
see that see was sitting on her heels.

I could see her side butts round and
water sprinkling around her butts and heels.

Just out of curiosity I just
kneeling down peered to see what is going on.

To my utter surprise my young
18 year old sister fully nude was sitting close to the bath room wall under the
running tap with the water directly falling on to her wide spread pussy which
she had kept wide with her two fingers.

The other hand was held on to the tap
to balance her on her heels.

She at times took her hand off the pussy to
massage her boobs as the water flowed into her pussy.

At a stage she started to
tremble and I knew she is going to have a climax.

She further thrust her
clitoris to the water flow and she fell back numb with the climax.

At that
moment my sister noticed my palm flat on the floor in her sitting position .

She immediately stood and shouted to me saying I am your sister bathing, go

Embarrassed I backed out, went to my room and started masturbating.

as I was about cum my sister was at the door muttered something and as I was
raising my head I started cumming in loads straight at my sister who in utter
surprise was horrified to such act and left the room.

Thereafter I could every
look direct into her eyes and still have fear whether she will spell it out to
any one.

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My Mom Has Big Boobs And Brown Pussy Hair

Reaching Home I Masturbated Thinking She Too Must Be Doing The Same