i feel like i'm never happy anymore.
my favorite foods don't make me happy, music doesn't make me happy, my friends don't make me happy…
i don't know when i'll feel genuine happiness ever again.
i know it's a stretch but i seriously feel like i'll never feel joy again.
every time i'm faced with literally anything i start crying. when i'm offered food, i cry.
when i have to wake up, i cry. when i have to be at home, i cry.
i'm always crying and i'm always sad. i've taken medicine to try to help it but nothing helps.
i think this is my permanent hell. i can't kill myself, i have no energy to.
i barley have the energy to type this message.
and the sad part is that i'm so young, feeling like this.
feeling like my life has no point and no meaning. like i'm not supposed to be here.
like everything i do, i make a fool of myself. i wish someone would kill me.