
I Let My Brother Touch My Tits

I let my brother touch my tits and i wanna kill myself for it.

I live in a very weird family; my parents don’t love each other, my brother and mother have a really strong oedipous kindof relationship, to the point where she treats him like a baby still even when he’s 17yo. He is also a perverted man.

Ever since last year, i’ve been going to therapy because of more trauma cause by my disfuntional family, and I feel so dirty when i think about what I let him do. At first i thought it was nothing, but now I just feel so bad i cannot stand another day.

Everybody lives their lives like nothing is wrong, but i know it is and I can’t handle it.

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  1. You should suck his dick. Or let him walk in on you with your butt out in the air so he sees everything. Just imagine bouncing your ass off his lap, it’s wrong, that’s why it’s fun.

  2. the best advice i can give is to stick it out. If your brother is a perv, then don’t blame yourself. if you feel shameful, i’m going to assume you were pressured into it. that is NEVER okay by any means and if you crumbled, that is ENTIRELY his fault. just because you succumbed to pressure doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with you. let me stress: IT IS NORMAL TO NOT WITHSTAND HIGH AMOUNTS OF PRESSURE. i promise you, there is a reason that you are on this planet, and it is a beautiful one.

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