
I Was A Great Dad I Thought

Children are everything. I was a great dad I thought. Then at some point not as much.

I get locked onto thoughts it seems. My children are doing great comparatively.

We want better for them, but at times if they are stable, that’s a blessing from God.

I can’t undo my past. I think I need sleep.

Theres times like now where I go four or more straight days without sleep, & I must start questioning my own thought process.

Like right now I’m focused on a song on the radio.

I now realize i was worried about a song Adele sang what? 10 years ago? Well I just looked it up.

Her son is doing great. Which is of course the main hope. She put him first. He’s doing.

She has a great relationship with the dad. And she’s very happy.

I wonder what it is about me that makes me worry about everyone?

May be why I’m not sleeping and starting to think irrationally. Well why I’m at it.

Before I move on. Adele has found her answer. That’s excellent.

She had locked onto that love early on. But it was not returned. I’m no expert.

But true love requires two people. Ready to give everything for another.

So in Adeles Mystery Man love she had a problem. Or hold on. The Mystery Man was later?

So who was the true love? Well. She definitely loved the first man. Wanted to marry him.

He broke it off. Said he wasn’t ready to get married, and then suddenly married someone else.

That doesn’t make him bad, unless he treated her bad. But then he found the one he wanted?

Hopefully that was true love. But if that was Adele’s true love. She may never move on.

Only Adele knows “her” heart. I think we all want to be right. Doesn’t mean we are.

No one knows everything. I used to think I knew a lot because so many people said I did.

Turns out, I don’t know anything. So why talk about Adele? Cause I listening to the records.

She’s important. If I use her name people listen. Use a random name no one listens.

But I think Adele needs to do what Adele wants to do. We watch famous people go thru struggles.

But we all go thru struggles. Adeles matters just as much as ours.

Your struggles matter as much as hers does. I think she is very sweet. I’m glad she’s happy.

I’m old enough to know my advice is worthless. If you want advice ask an expert.

But don’t listen to the expert unless it makes sense.

The people around you will usually give you terrible advice.

I think you ask a person for advice if they are what you want to be.

If your thinking about divorce; and everyone your asking is divorced, well they all know how to be divorced.

But if you want to be married, then maybe you ask someone whose never been divorced.

Because they know how to stay married so far. I now think that love and marriage isn’t the same.

But what do I know. I think we need to tell people to ask professionals.

But one thing I fully believe.

If the person is desperate; and in a critical moment of their life; and your all they have.Then if you have good intentions, try to guide them to stay married.

Unless there’s violence or such.

What do you think?

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