
She Was A Diabetic Patient Who Was Bed Ridden

Im a guy and 26 now, last year around oct I lost my mom in my arms.

She was a diabetic patient who was bed ridden.

I did take care of her food , diapers and urine bags.

My family thinks no guy could have done this better to take care of her being a guy, I used to give her bath once a week as she could not get up of bed cauz of her blisters and bed sores.

Now, before you count me good and wonder why do I regret.

Let me share you the background I come from and few years before my mom got bedridden.

I was in my late 22 when I landed into a job serving me around 24 k INR every month.

I saved some cash for few years until I could for buying a bike , later put it in the MBA course fee I wanted to join for my moms sake( I was least interested in it) .

I did have an accident a year later of buying the bike where I had a tooth coming off , I spent around 1 lakh, towards my bike and my new almost real tooth implant costing a bomb of 70k thinking this is one time cost for a life time.

Later years in my mid 23 to 25 whole, I got in to a company of a new guy lets call him X, I was very introvert back then, did not know about girls , never mingled with one , but always wanted to be the chick magnet(sort of).

I spent some money to grow some arms and body at gym cause of my new male friend suggesting me weird ways to attract women.

I was so lean back then.

I did decided to date every girl that comes across my way and got in to the game of attracting women , with few tips now and then from my male friend X, I had around 3 to 5 new girls to chat and do video calls at a given time and almost all fell for me and my shit talk.

I was loving this new way of living life.

I was so involved that I hardly called my mom now at work nor spoke to her at home, was busy talking to these girlfriends of mine.
Years passed, I failed clearing my MBA in time, did waste almost one and half year for this thing.

Lost my promotion scope at work, earlier I was a gem at my workplace though a fresher, I had more energy and influence of good and hardworking as a guy in front of my managers and leads, I work at an IT firm, time flies they started to look at me as a lazy guy , as I was always late at breaks spending time with my girlfriends over phone , meeting- yea got it right i was late, and what not , I thought ill do MBA and get better role than trying for a senior role in my own profile( its 4 years so far, I have still stuck myself at the junior level in this firm, my later juniors are now my seniors and that sucks like hell when you know you can solve things better , you just lost focus and limelight of your work for some random misses over the year)
My moms health start deteriorating, she soon got on bed.

My moms health history is too complicated for some normal human to understand (may be), she was having diabetics for over 20 years , almost right after 4 years from when I was born.

She had spondulisis, Blood pressure and osteoporosis and some other nervous disorder as well whi

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