
I’ve Had Anxiety Ever Since And It’s All I Can Think About

I work as a cleaner and one of my customers has an extremely expensive huge table.

In sunny weather they keep it covered with a soft covering and also a waterproof layer over the top of that.

Last week I noticed both layers were stained with lily pollen and as I’m a perfectionist that looked really messy to me so I grabbed a bleach spray and sprayed not only the waterproof layer but gave the soft covering a spray too as that also had pollen on it.

The spray removed the pollen but it soaked through and has also removed a large patch of the stain from the actual table, leaving a huge obvious yellow patch In the centre of the table.

I almost died when I saw what I’d done but I just put both covers back on the table, finished the job and left, it’s only a matter of time before they remove the covers and see it and it’ll be obvious it’s me that’s done it.

I’ve had anxiety ever since and it’s all I can think about.

I’m worried sick, I have no insurance and can’t believe I’ve done such a stupid thing.

I’ve googled what to do but it seems the table will have to be sanded and re stained I wouldn’t know where to start and would probably msje things worse.

I work there every Friday. I’m just waiting for them to confront me over it.

I’m going to admit that I sprayed the covers but just pretend I had no idea it had soaked through, apologise profusely and see what they want me to do about it.

As much as I’m dreading that confrontation, the anxiety of waiting for it is unbearable!!

What do you think?

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