Recent Confessions

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    I am overly sexual in my brain

    I am overly sexual in my brain. I’m an obsessive compulsive but never knew until last year I actually had it. Frankly, I’m not surprised. Another to the collection of the mess that is my mind. So many people have no idea how easy they have it over not having to endure constant mood swings, […] More

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    I was raped everyday from age 4 to 8

    I was raped everyday from age 4 to 8 before moving countries. I was in denial about it for years, until now, I’m trying to process some of what happened. it sent me into depression and I completely isolated myself, and it got worse during the pandemic. I dont know how to help myself anymore. […] More

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    I Just Obey to Keep From Being Hurt

    Carol and I have been married for almost two years now and are so happy together. Her parents like me and I get along with both of her brothers in front of everyone but things are totally different in reality. They act nice when anyone else is around but when they get me alone they […] More

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    Hi.. I am a 16 yrs old teenager. and i am a Bisexual and i don’t want it. I don’t hate Homos..but for myself, i know that it;s wrong. I dont want to hurt other people’s feeling but this is how i see things. I love God. I Love Him More than anything. i always […] More

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    Where Is God?

    I know he’s there. I can feel/see/hear him, but he sounds so far away. I see him the the faces of my friends and colleagues, but not in myself. Now that my life is getting difficult, I feel like he has packed up and left me. I’m asking for a sign, and I’ll wait for […] More

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