I am being tortured. There are eight of them, or so. Male and female.
One of them is my so called father. It will be six years of torture soon.
They treated me worse than animal for years now.
They tought themselves how to force me to feel fear, anger. They force me to loose my temper/mind.
I feel fear when they touch me, speak to me. They are touching me against my will…
even my testicles and penis.
Sometimes they cause me pain similar to cutting off my little toes, just for their fun.
I hate them. The worst part is that it is quite unnatural, paranormal.
I suppose that it is hard to belive but i suspect that we live in some kind of simulation or in virtual reality/computer reality.
Just like E. Musk or R. Virk said. It could explain many things.
My life is unacceptable after they started to torture me.
I had bad luck because my torturing father is a policeman so I cannot call them up.
In that torture there are cooperating people from judaism, christianity, police and government.
I have noone to ask for help. I cannot remember and write about all six years in 3000 characters.
I want help. I need help. This is psychological torture and sadism all the way down.
Sometimes they take over control over my senses/body.
It is like being possesed by some kind of bad, evil sadistic force that control your body and force you to breath the way that they want.
They are doing it just to prove that they are untouchable and noone can win with them.
It is unnatural. It is sick.
They locked me up three times for three months each in medical facility for another torture.
They are proud of what they are doing to me.
If you can find me and help me in real world.
That world, where they are torturing me, help me please.
Now I will use some code words to heat this confession up to let it be found: rape; bomb; terror; assasination of freedom; hacker; matrix; white rabbit; hacktivism;
<code> http://jsnhfmdkshyhk7hg8h46.onion </code>
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