I asked him if he could take me to a cash machine. He told me that the only machine is on the inside of the station.
I went in and there were some repair guys working on the machine transferring money or something… I had 3 minutes till my train was due so I just bought a ticket with my card and I jumped on the train leaving the poor taxi man waiting outside.
I phoned the taxi company and told them what had happened and that I had every intention of paying the man but as I didn’t book they told me they couldn’t track him down.
I only owed him £4 but I still feel so guilty. I asked the taxi company if it would be possible to pay via card and was told “no”. Apparently him picking me up without booking was illegal and so they can’t help me but I feel so bad because he actually did me a huge favour and in return I robbed him unintentionally of corse.
I’ve never done anything like this in my life I was just running late and I had every intention of paying. I guess all I can do now is give some money to charity to make this a little bit better… If I do see the man again I have vowed to myself that I will give him £10 for his troubles.
Don’t feel bad. I think that as he apparently did something wrong as well by picking you up without booking (which seems wierd, but anyway) so I guess you are even and have nothing to fell bad about. I mean, he’s not exactly going to go to the cops (or his boss) to report it either is he?