
I cant believe I did this,…

Well I been seening/sleeping with this married man for three years now. Last year I had a abortion for him. I always tell him that no feels are involed. He has became my best friend, our jobs keeps us together. I know family information and personal stuff on him. I did something that I dont think I could forgive myself. I bought a prepaid phone and started sending messages to his wife saying I was another lady he messed with. And he started texting this prepaid, I panic but I kept lying about things his wife had done while he was away. And come to find out the things were true. They have three kids together. From the beginning of our relationship he told me that him and his wife were having problems and were thinking about splitting up. But never happened. And the last text message I recieved from him on the prepaid cell was that his wife was going to the lawyers and file for a divorce. Thats what I wanted but not this way. Im a very bad person,.. I don’t know what to do. If I tell him I will lose him. What was I thinking.
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  1. what now? i hate to say it but if he cheated on her he would probably ch
    i know you reallly want him fforr yoursellf butt now you haavee thiss terrrible secret betweeen yoou. you could probaably jusst plaay dumb andd act like you neeverr diid annythhingg. a
    t on you.

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