i feel so lonely when my father not around.One afternoon,i went out to the house,no one notice,and went to our old house that nobody living.I mated my first cousin on my way to find where my father harvest cucunuts.
He was only 17yr old at that time but he was a big lion.he was raped me at my age 5yr old.He warned me to don’t tell anyone or he will kill me.Untill I reach the age of 35.30 yaers i keep this secret.
NO one knews thats why I always dumped all my suitors beacouse of thise expirienced.Now i swear to the name of my parents and my freedom may God not let cross our way again or else i really kill hem.He almost destroyed my life.Have no self confedence hield me backward.I have no achievement in my whole life.My anger is like a hell..Help me god to meet a man who can understand me..
Wasted Time You know. What he did to you was a small thing compaired to what you do to yourself. You spent your life punishing every man and yourself for that bad moment in time. I personally find a great deal of bonding and closeness with my partner. I would never let what another person did to me affect how I treat her and myself. It’s time to let it go. You are wasting your life. I know it hurt but it’s long been done. If he’s sorry he deserves forgiveness if he’s evil he will be judged. But you should seek help to get past it and enjoy whats left of the time in your life. You are wasting your life. I have many women in my family. And I’ve been close to many women threw my life. Not one of them has not been assulted. They have each confided in me a horrable story like yours, granted not at such a young age, but horrable non the less. The difference is they went on with their life and found happyness in a man that doesn’t hurt them, that they love. Start living.
i hate that peoples who do likt this I can understand in which situation you are.but leave that ,forget about that terrible accident ,
You are not bad ,you have not do any thing bad , it’s not your mistake,
God know that,God can understand better then you.
you just try to forget that , i know God will help you,
God help only those help them self,
maybe you know that.
this world is too large , you can get some one special who is just for you,love you and make you happy always.
be happy , i am posting a line for you ,i hope you like,
Like a dream you can’t explain love can chase a beating of your heart,
Like the sun shining in the rain love can make your whole world fall apart