
I Just Pray they Never Come Across My Content

Hey I’m 22F From the UK.

I grew up in a loving Christian household as a kid; I would have never imagined doing what I do today. Sometimes I feel regret and guilt for what I do. My parents have no idea I fuck myself online for the whole world to see.

I just pray they never come across my adult content, as I would feel so bad. They would feel so bad to think about what they did wrong. They did nothing wrong. I just love being watched.

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  1. i know someone i usye to have fun with online posted pics n vids i sent him , me soaked with my fanny full of fingers , hair brush ,banahas lol even an icecube challenge , was only yng but he didn’t know at the time i found out he put them on his porn page but he look most off after i had to tell him my number only cause hed get in trouble but as he pointed out people copy and share so im still having ppl wnk ovr me expect x

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