
i am helpless

i am 21 years old quite handsome indian male of shy nature .belongs to a middle class fam… father died 12 years ago .my mom is working on a little money..i av some friends they have girls .cars .money nd many more materialistic things! i sometimes feel jealous when they buy new .call their girl etc..they goes to cinemas .clubs n restratautns .coffee shops etc. i feel very ashamed when they ask me to come with them!i always make excuses to not to go but they know i dont av enough money.even though i avoid talking to my friends n they also dosent care for me at all. i stay alone sometimes i want to cry but tears wont come.i dont even av GF ..coz of money m also fkud up by emotional emptyness….i m very sad for me .i dont know why god done this to me..why the hell my father died!i dont want much money but i need my love my GF who love me care for me..thank you if anyone reading this..i pray this punishment will have a mercy on me! God bless you all ..

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  1. It happens Hi there Mr. Guilty,

    It happens, you are not the only one who is facing this problem there must be hundred and thousands of people around there who are facing the same problem. You are in wrong company if you are feeling alone and emotional emptiness. Why don’t you find friends who ae financially of same level. In that case you won’t feel embarrassing as none of you will be going to movie but at the same time you should keep spark alive in you and work hard to get out of this condition.

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