Two lives.,its the resume of the thing..
As astonishing as it could be I have a girlfriend.
well its more than that we have already pa** the stage of bf or gf,
we have already rings in our finger and project for marriage.,
you see the thing but..
I’m Silvergay on one hand and Romeo on the other,
what a big deal!!
And to shrink the thing she told me that im like the half of her heart
and god witness that she’s the same for me.,she loves me with
an unlimited love and she’s the most important person in my entire life..
the fact is that i like to be silvergay and i like to be f***.,
some person on the net told me to tell her the truth and if she really loves
me she’ll accept the thing.
I dont doubt of her love & i’ll never.,what kind of monster would u be if
u impose a love test to ur woman that have said and prove to u that
she’ll die for u and if anything happen to her i’ll die at my turn.,
i cant bare to hurt my half..
I cant even ask God its…,Hhmmm/
thats why Im asking u all viewers,what should i do
continue that way and everyone is as we can say happy or reveal it
and cause the death of Romeo & juliet…