
i love you Christ.

Please jesus save me from pornography. i feel guilty so much from crucifying you again amid being born again. Help me to know you personally and to follow you teachings because you say that if we love you then we should obey you. I long so much to be like you. May you forgive me and create a new heart that will follow you all of my days. Thank you for forgiving me and may grant me the grace to accept your forgiveness. May you not deal with me according to my transgression but according to your grace and tender mercies. I pray this knowing that surely you have accepted me back to your mercy seat and given me the victory all my life agaisnt pornography and any ungodliness. I confess that in Jesus name from today am free from pornography and masterbation. I pray this believing and trusting in THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS. MAY THE WHOLE ALL THE FAITHFUL CHRISTIANS BE MY PRAYER PARTNERS WITH ME SO THAT WE MAY OVERCOME THE EVIL ONE. AMEN.

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