
I Don’t Love, I Hate

Lord, I Nitin Rajinikant Desai admit I married Tejal Pandit 6 years ago from Kenya, all was going well when I forced her to marry me. I admit she came over to the UK and started living with me she wished to study! I told her no!

Mr Sharad Pandit, Tejal’s father got involved, why the fuck did he give his daughter away if they wanted her to study! I was so angry and Mr Sharad Pandit that I meant to say to him *uk off keep yourself to your self your not my second father, silly muppet so lost that he could not tell me in the first place they wanted to educate Tejal the stupid people when today she can’t even cook and clean my house!

Lord I admit I made my wife incomfortable in our marriage and she started telling her parents about me! I admit I done nothing because I gave Tejal a house holidays on my expence! Will the family give all my hard earned money back!

I hate Tejal’s family they are scums trying to put me in the wrong! I couldn’t handle this so I made myself comfy with Teja’s sister Pooja Pandit who also stays in my house, what do these people think I am! If today putting me in the wrong!

My house is like a hotel for this sick family! I got Pooja Pandit involved to cover my back so I can save my marrige she lives in my home for free!

Nitin 🙂

What do you think?

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  1. I hope you find the courage and solace mate. I had same experience with my inlaws.
    How can people not leave another person to live in peace.

    Do contact me if you are in Uk, would be good to catch up.


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Pain Of My Ex Girlfriend

If i told we’d forget your name.and you’d wouldnt have a both know that.