I Nitin Desai would like to confess that I met a beautiful young lady she was everything to me, I loved her with all my heart. Lord you know and I know at that point in life I was ready to settle down and get married. But. Lord I strated putting presuer on her why I still don’t realise I guess it was from my family. Yes it was presuer from my family at that time. Lord things were not going the way the family wanted. We broke up with hurting each other. To this day I am haunted with our last argument where with anger she said to me ” Nitin, fix up sort yourself, I don’t want to make you my rubbish”!. Lord I cry deep inside because I didn’t take anything serous and was all jolly I replied back to her ” Well darling if you make me your rubbish, am sure I will be someone elses gold”
Lord I am really hurt today.. I couldnt tell this to another lady I met and got married to as it was the past thought nothing of it. But today it hurts.
Please read my confession on the marriages page…
Nitin :'(
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